Can you spot the differences in our holiday card?

From all of us at FPBA, we’d like to say happy holidays with a thrilling spot the difference challenge! Can you find the nine differences in our holiday card below? 

FPBA Holiday Card Spot the Difference

Click to enlarge

Warning: Spoilers below! Stop here if you aren’t ready to see the solutions.



How did you do? Feeling stumped? Each difference in our holiday card relates to an FPBA milestone. Have a look below and get a glimpse of what the FPBA family has been up to in 2019. 

1 – 4: Our four newest employees are absent in the first photo (1. Kate Novikova, 2. Cody Clark, 3. Chad Cullen and 4. Ivan Hu). We welcomed these newcomers to the FPBA family with our annual holiday party at the Carté Hotel on December 7. 

5: The framed picture of the NuVasive Surgeon Experience Center is a rendering in the first and a real photo in the second. We ended 2018 by topping out the construction of this 28,000-square-foot addition to NuVasive’s global headquarters. Here we are at the end of 2019, and the shell is complete. Congratulations to the NuVasive project team! 

6–7: Stefanie Deal and Ann Shelton are wearing PM badges in the second photo. Stefanie and Ann were both promoted to Project Manager in 2019. We are thankful for both Stefanie and Ann for their dedication to the firm, efficient project delivery, and ability to tackle challenges head-on.

8: Mike Wilson is holding his architectural license in the second photo. Mike earned his architectural license at the beginning of 2019. We couldn’t be more proud of this huge achievement! Mike also became an Associate of the firm this year. 

9: The map of San Diego is pinned with project locations in the second photo. FPBA worked on 80 unique projects in 2019! While not all of them fit on the map of San Diego, we tried to fit in as many as we could. Can you tell that we like working in Torrey Pines?

FPBA Holiday Card Spot the Difference Answers

Thank you and happy holidays! 

If you made it this far, we thank you for participating in FPBA’s holiday spot the difference challenge. We wish you a happy holidays and cheer in the new year (and decade)!

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