FPBA lives it up at the 2017 Annual Summer Bash!

The FPBA crew, family and friends gathered over the weekend for the 2017 Annual Summer Bash that was rich with laughter and joy. From pinching baby cheeks to wrestling in the pool, it was one for the books!

With a variety of delicious food catered by Phil’s BBQ, plenty of faces were guaranteed to get covered in barbecue sauce. But that’s not all that ended up on our faces. Kids and adults alike were eager to line up for face painting in the form of dragons, fairies and even Iron Man!

Summer Bash 2017


Some brave souls made a big splash toward the end of the party with 15-foot jumps from the balcony into the pool (we hope everyone waited 30 minutes after eating before making the plunge)!


Thanks to all who helped plan and came out for this event! It was a superb afternoon that won’t soon be forgotten.

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Becky Scheible

You know what they say — work hard, play hard! We threw this bash at Phil’s newly remodeled home. Great spot!


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