How do you contribute to the community?
When I’m not leading a troop of FPBA-ers, I lead my daughter’s 3rd Grade Brownie Girl Scout Troop. Now in our third year, we’re focusing on girl-led activities that teach skills on how to be good leaders, good friends and ultimately good people. It’s such a fun and rewarding experience to see how much the girls have grown since Kindergarten and to see them engage more and more as they get older. If you ever need a Girl Scout cookie fix, you know who to call!
Where is your favorite travel destination?
Two best friends, two giant backpacks, and a month supply of Luna bars set off for a trip of a lifetime. We made our way to six countries: France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Switzerland and Poland. It was a true adventure; we only planned what city we flew into and out of—the rest we figured out along the way. Our on-the-fly attitude may have had us sleeping in train stations, caused a few detours, and put us in some interesting situations, but it also created memories I’ll never forget. We had such a great time that we did it again a few years later, but this time to England, Ireland and Scotland!