What is your favorite building and why?
The Air Force Academy Chapel designed by SOM in Colorado Springs. The timeless design of aluminum, steel and glass completed almost 50 years ago, appears as if it was built within the last 5 years. The large repetitive forms can be seen for miles, representing an upright plane as well as redefining the standard form of a chapel. The natural daylight that penetrates the interior through the stain glass creates an ambiance of color that you have to see to believe.
What is your favorite travel destination?
My favorite travel destination has got to be Italy. Visiting any foreign country can be such an eye-opening experience but the numerous works of architecture, old and new, can be so influential on your worldview of architecture. I went on a study trip while in school and visited the iconic cities of Florence, Venice, and Rome. We toured, studied, and even sketched buildings like the Pantheon, the Florence Duomo, and Coliseum. We also went out on our own on small excursions to places like Pisa, Milan, and Verona. Each city has its own character to it, and it was incredible to go and experience so many places and take in each character along the way.