
Where is your favorite travel destination?
I have been able to travel to some of the most beautiful places. From Ireland – Most of Europe to Mexico. They all have something memorable that makes them all my favorite. I am looking forward to traveling the US and finding all the hidden treasures and making memories!

What is something that always makes you laugh?
Hearing all my family together, laughing and talking! It is usually a child telling a story or a joke. There is something about a child’s innocence and storytelling that makes for a great laugh!

How do you contribute to the community?
I have lived in my community most of my life. Our homeless population has increased immensely since COVID, further fueling my desire to volunteer my time in family shelters and women’s shelters. I would love to get involved in our Neighborhood Food Bank as well! Anyone of us could be in a position that we never imagined. My Love Language is Acts of Service! It has been a truly humbling experience.